Tuesday, 6 April 2010

Pokhara - girl

The supposedly six hour bus journey to Pokhara took almost ten hours due to a number of factors: a flexibility with honesty; a two hour traffic jam for no apparent reason; and a massive, freak, storm that literally flooded the bus.


Pokhara is supposed to be a serene, tropical lake-side city. We arrived to a wet, misty city where the hail stones were the size of sweets, the mythical mountains we'd come to see were entirely hidden from view (the entire time we were there) and C developed a stinking cold/sore throat. Apart from that, we loved it.


Given that most people go to this place to either trek or see the mountains, their being hidden in mist was a shame. The lake was also not as beautiful as we'd hoped since most of it appeared to be dried mud. However, we had some nice meals, went to a fairly crappy mountain museum and walked a long way to walk up to the 'world peace pagoda'. It was very steep and very hot. That's what I have to say about that. Oh, apart from the fact that we were convinced a seven year old girl was leading us to would be muggers! 'She had a mean face' is all I can say in our defence

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