Thursday, 24 September 2009

Puycelsi - girl

My best friends, Kate and Deran, got married last weekend in Southern France. We made a long weekend of it and had a fantastic time.
On the plane on Thursday morning we bumped into Alex and Henry, two friends from university who were also heading to the wedding. In two cars we drove to Albi and instead of visiting one of Europe's only fortified cathedrals, we had lunch, and wine. Eventually we left and headed to Puycelsi for the 'wedding welcome drinks' - more drinking. The same four of us snuck off for a great dining experience (with wine) where we ate our own body weight in foie gras and other delicious items. Plenty of wine ensured that the slightly stilted atmosphere in the restaurant didn't hinder our fun.
The next morning we were joined by Ben, an American friend of Deran. We headed up to Cordes en Ciel for more drinking and scenic views. This time the rain and the wine almost made us forget to turn back, get ready and head to the venue for part one of the wedding.
Chateau de Mauriac but a beautiful building, definitely not a castle in my book, whatever it might be called. The ceremony was held in the wine cellar (I think) - highlights were Alex reading a possibly unsuitable John Donne poem and someone else reading the Velveteen Rabbit. Following this those who wanted to take a tour of the place could. I opted not to although in retrospect, perhaps I should have since it sounded hilarious. Lots of naked paintings all over the place. Very French. Owners extremely proud and also seemed to hate the farmer who had kept his livestock in the building before they bought the place, which caused much hilarity amongst returning tour-ees.
Supper was pleasant, best wedding food I've had but had a strange man on our table. No sense of humour, only cracked one smile all night - when I offered the toast, 'down with the queen, up the republic'. Poor Col had to sit next to this guy. Dancing was followed by drinking back at the hotel (Jack, his sister and I managed to liberate enough booze from the party to ensure we could drink until 0430. well done us) before we all passed out. Alex wanted to swim in the pool but luckily fell asleep before he could realise the dream. Henry was definitely the object of Jack's sister's attentions.
A heavy hangover on Saturday meant we only managed a trip to a local vignoble for wine tasting and buying before lunch and part two of the wedding - the civil ceremony. This was followed by a party with far more booze and not much food - always a dangerous combination. Every time I looked around, Col and Henry were off giggling in a corner somewhere. Again, dancing, boozing and thankfully, at midnight, Deran produced some food, which was demolished almost immediately.
Sunday we went to a small village to check out their market - dull and wet - before driving, the long way round, to Carcassonne. Entirely my fault we drove the long way although I do hold that given there were three others, they could have looked at the map too. Quick march around the old city, which I thought was fairly disappointing and touristy before supper. Henry and Alex took their leave and headed back to Puycelsi, the quick way while Col and I spent the evening speaking French together and wandering around the New City. We hung around, saw some real castles, some caves, ate more good food and eventually arrived home on Tuesday night.
Seeing the Kate and Deran so happy was just wonderful, hearing their vows and knowing that a great match was made just topped off a great trip to a stunning part of the country.

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